Northern Hills Amateur Hockey Association
The Northern Hills Amateur Hockey Association is promoting a “CHASE THE ACE” fundraiser to support the NHAHA’s efforts of procuring land and building a full-size rink.
• Purchase tickets for $5 per ticket or 5 tickets for $20. Purchase tickets via the Venmo or SquareUp Credit Card links in the right column, from our Chase the Ace committee members during the week, or on-site cash payments prior to each drawing. Tickets must be purchased each week to be eligible for weekly drawing. No limit on ticket purchases.
• Proceeds from tickets sales will be used to fund the weekly winner while the remaining funds will build the progressive pot. Tickets are discarded after each drawing.
• Advance weekly sales will end at 5:30 pm each Tuesday to prepare for the weekly draw. (Cut off time is subject to change based on number of entries.)
• Must be 18 years of age or older to be eligible to play.
• Name, phone number and envelope number must be submitted when purchasing ticket(s) to be eligible.
• Only one envelope number is available for each purchase, no matter the ticket amount.
• Ticket sales will commence on or before February 20th, 2024. First drawing will be held February 27th, 2024, at The Stadium Sports Grill in Spearfish, SD. The drawing will be weekly each Tuesday evening at 7 pm until the Ace of Spades is drawn.
• The weekly winning ticket will select the sealed number envelope from the board, containing a single card from a deck of 54 cards, jokers included. No cards will be returned to the deck.
• Once the Ace of Spades is drawn, the event will end and a new event will start with a new progressive pot, a new deck of cards and will continue until the Ace of Spades is drawn.
• Guaranteed Ace of Spades payout is $1250.
• NHAHA reserves the right to add additional winning options at their sole discretion.
• Weekly drawing will be facilitated by a NHAHA representative and shared via Facebook Live on Tuesday nights.
• Full name, phone number and envelope number must be submitted during ticket purchase.
• Need NOT be present to win. If your ticket is selected and that envelope number has already been picked, the next highest number envelope will be chosen.
• Weekly winner will receive 10% of the weekly ticket sales and have selected envelope number drawn for chance to find the Ace of Spades.
• If the weekly winner draws the Ace of Spades, they will receive 50% of the progressive pot. (After applicable fees and taxes.)
• Tickets are discarded after each drawing. A new ticket(s) must be purchased each week to be eligible for the drawing.
• Weekly drawings will be held on Tuesday nights streamed on the Northern Hills Amateur Hockey Association Facebook page. (subject to change)
• The deck of cards contains 52 playing cards and 2 jokers in sealed (1-54) numbered envelopes. Once a card has been drawn, it will be displayed in the case but not be available to be drawn again.
• The game continues weekly until the Ace of Spades is found.
• One weekly winner will be drawn, the numbered envelope on the ticket will be drawn. NHAHA reserves the right to add additional prizes at their sole discretion.
• Weekly winner receives 10% of the weekly sales and chance to find the Ace of Spades from the deck.
• If the winner draws the Ace of Spades, the progressive pot is split 50/50 with the Northern Hills Amateur Hockey Association (minus applicable taxes and fees).
• Prize money will be sent after necessary tax information has been obtained.
If you use Venmo, consider purchasing your tickets that way - the association incurs less fees with Venmo transactions. Be sure to note your name, phone number, and which envelope you want opened. Scan the Venmo QR Code or click on our Venmo Link.